MIL-STD-1553 Transformers

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Raycom offers a wide selection of MIL-STD-1553 interface transformers for commercial, military, and space applications. Generally, these transformers are used for highest-reliability applications, such as flight-control, combat, and space.

All QPL MIL-STD-1553 transformers are specified using DSCC MIL-PRF-21038/27. There are 31 different QPL parts listed on this low-power pulse transformer performance specification sheet. Shown below are two example product data bulletins that are QPL parts.


For information on other available winding and packaging configurations, please briefly describe your component needs and application using the attached form.

A sister ETI company, Hytronics, offers transformers for standard QPL and COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) applications. When testing for highest reliability and specific space applications, and use of NASA-certified solderers are required, come to Raycom.
